10 RED ROOT FLOATERS Phyllanthus Fluitans aquarium plants healthy fry guppies 🌱
(reed root floaters)
The unique and beautiful Phyllanthus fluitans is a floating plant that is found in the wild widespread across South America. It is characterised by small round and water-repellent leaves that can vary in colour from light green/brown to a deep red depending on the lighting and water parameters. It is similar in appearance to Salvania auriculata but only has one leaf per node and in the right conditions will produce tiny white flowers.
It’s roots are often red in colour giving it its common name “reed root floater” and it is especially popular in open top aquariums or paludariums.
Phyllanthus fluitans is a beautiful floating plant that is perfect for adding some interesting colour and impact to the surface of your planted aquarium. In the right conditions it can reward you with intense deep red leaves and roots that you will find especially unique and enjoyable.